Project 1 - Create an Environment
Your task is now to to create the environment you planned.
You may want to open your plan document to use as a guide while you work.
Create your scene:
- Begin your main scene document, and save it as Lastname MyEnvironment.max.
- If you prefer, you may work on individual objects in separate files, then use the XRef feature to manage object sizes, and then merge the objects with the main scene.
- Use your modeling skills to create the objects you planned for your environment.
- Use primitives, splines, meshes and modifiers to shape the objects in your scene.
- Include floors, walls, ground, sky, and other background surfaces as needed.
- Model at least one object using three graphics for the top, front and a side.
- Apply appropriate materials to your objects and edit them as needed.
- Create colors, shininess, pattern as needed to make your objects look realistic.
- If you use bitmap mapping, be sure to place any graphics files you use for this materials mapping in your My Environment
- At least one object needs to be animated in your scene.
(a bird flies by,
a window opens, a coffee cup steams, the wind blows the leaves of a tree, a car drives by, or some other object moves that is realistic in your scene.)
- Arrange lighting to show the scene with realistic illumination effects.
- Consider time of day, time of year, and other outdoor lighting issues, such as shadows
- For indoor scenes, plan what is outside any window
- Make any indoor light sources, such as lamps, realistic - they cast shadows too
- For outdoor scenes, plan for the sky and any other distant scenes that will be visible in any direction
- Create the camera animation to display the entire scene, rendered to an appropriately named avi file
- Walk up to, into and/or around in the scene
- "Look around" to show off your scene
Place a copy of your MyEnvironment folder in the Computer Animation Turn-in folder.