Beginning Tutorial 2: Modeling Chess Pieces

Creating & Modifying Spline Objects,
Using the Lathe, Boolean & other Modifyers

Assignment Directions:

  1. Pawn tutorial pdfBeginning Modeling - Create setup the file and create the pawn.

    1. Before beginning, in your 3dsMax folder, create a new folder named Lastname Chess.
    2. ref-chess.jpgClick the ref-chess.jpg link at the right and save the file into your Chess folder.
    3. Click the Pawn tutorial link at the right to open the instruction file. Follow the directions, saving as needed in your Chess folder using the filename Lastname Pawn.max.
    4. When you are finished with the Pawn, resave your file.

  2. Rook tutorial pdfCreating the Rook:

    1. From the File menu, choose New. In the dialog box, click Keep Objects, then OK.
    2. Save the new file in your Chess folder as Lastname Add Rook.max.
    3. Click to open the Rook tutorial and follow the directions, creating the lathed rook from scratch - be sure not to include the battlement section on top in your original spline shape - that will be added in the tutorial.
    4. When you are finished, resave the file.

  3. Bishop tutorial pdfCreating the Bishop:

    1. Again create a new file, keeping the existing objects as before.
    2. Save the file in your Chess folder as Lastname Add Bishop.max.
    3. Follow the directions in the tutorial link at the right, to create the bishop beginning by creating the lathed object.
    4. Resave the file when you are finished with the bishop.

  4. Knight tutorial pdfCreating the Knight

    1. Begin a new file, keeping the previous objects as before, and save in your Chess folder as Lastname Add Knight.max.
    2. Follow the directions in the tutorial link at the right, to create the Knight.
    3. It is especially important for this piece to save along the way, whenever you are satisfied with your current results.
    4. When you are finished, resave the file and close.

Place a copy of your Chess folder in the Computer Animation Turn in folder.