Character Animation Tutorial 4:
Adjust the Biped to the Model

In this Lesson, you will learn to adjust and customize a biped structure to create shape detail and realistic animation.

Adjusting the Biped to the Modeladjust2model file

  1. Use the link at the right to download and extract the folder containing the reference files. Save thefolder in your Home directory with your lastname in the front.

  2. From the Help menu Tutorials, in the Character-Animation Tutorials folder, open the Adjusting the Biped to the Model tutorial.

  3. Saving in Part 1: Working with Biped Parts
    You will be asked to save:
    • Lastname_my_biped.max

  4. Saving in Part 2: Using the Knuckles Toggle for Detailed Hand Animation
    You will be asked to save:
    • LN_biped_beckoning.max

  5. Saving Part 3: Aligning the Biped to the Model
    You will be asked to save:
    • Lastname_my_wilson_pose.max

  6. Saving Part 4: Applying the Physique Modifier
    You will be asked to save:
    • Lastname_my_physique_wilson.max

  7. Saving Part 5: Adjusting Envelopes
    You will be asked to save:
    • Lastname_my_wilson_envelopes.max

  8. You may turn in each part as you complete it. When you are finished, place a copy of your zipped folder in your Turn In folder (There should be five (5) new files, with your name on them, in your folder.)