Character Animation Tutorial 4:
Adjust the Biped to the Model
In this Lesson, you will learn to adjust and customize a biped structure to create shape detail and realistic animation.
- Use the link at the right to download and extract the folder containing the reference files. Save thefolder in your Home directory with your lastname in the front.
- From the Help menu Tutorials, in the Character-Animation Tutorials folder, open the Adjusting the Biped to the Model tutorial.
- Saving in Part 1: Working with Biped Parts
You will be asked to save:
- Saving in Part 2: Using the Knuckles Toggle for Detailed Hand Animation
You will be asked to save:
- Saving Part 3: Aligning the Biped to the Model
You will be asked to save:
- Lastname_my_wilson_pose.max
- Saving Part 4: Applying the Physique Modifier
You will be asked to save:
- Lastname_my_physique_wilson.max
- Saving Part 5: Adjusting Envelopes
You will be asked to save:
- Lastname_my_wilson_envelopes.max
- You may turn in each part as you complete it. When you are finished, place a copy of your zipped folder in your Turn In folder (There should be five (5) new files, with your name on them, in your folder.)