Character Animation Tutorial 2: Biped/Character
Walking Animations
In this Lesson, you will learn techniques for controlling how a biped walks.
- Use the link at the right to download and extract the folder containing the files needed to apply your animation sets to Dr X. Save the folder in your Home directory with your lastname in the front.
- From the Help menu Tutorials, in the Character-Animation Tutorials folder, open the Animating with Footsteps tutorial.
- Follow the directions, and use the directed files, through all the sections to create different character walking effects.
- Saving in Part 1: Creating a Distinctive Walk
You will be asked to save:
- the four .bip files (don't forget to put your lastname at the beginning of the filenames)
LN_mywalk.bip, LN_mywalk2.bip, LN_mywalk3.bip, LN_mywalk4.bip
- Lastname_WalkStart.max
- to check your animations applyed to the cs4_qs_DrX04.max model: Lastname My_DrX04.max.
- Saving in Part 2: Modifying Footsteps
You will be asked to save:
- the first .bip file,(with your lastname at the beginning)
- Before adding the jump, save the bip file as lastname mywalk_pasted2.bip,
and save the file as Lastname pasted_walk.max.
- At the end of the section, save the .bip as lastname my_jump.bip, and save the .max file as Lastname my_jump.max
- Saving in Part 3: Making a Biped Stop and Start
Save at the end as, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename.
- Lastname_my_standstill.max
- Saving in Part 4: Changing Footsetps Using IK Keys
At the end, save your work as Lastname my_hop.max.
- When you are finished, place a copy of your footstep_animation folder in in your Turn-in folder.
(Your folder should contain seven (7) .bip files and six (6) new.max files, in addition to the original files from the download.)