Intermediate Character Tutorial 1:
Model a Character Body
Using the Low-Poly Method

In this Lesson, you will learn a new modeling technique. You will use box modeling of primitive objects and shape extrusion to build the character parts, and then use modifiers and edge modeling to complete and fine-tune it.

Part A - Set Up the Scene

  1. low-poly body filesUse the link at the right to download and extract the folder containing the reference files. Save the folder in your Home directory with your lastname in the front.

  2. From the Help menu Tutorials, in the Modeling folder, open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial.

  3. Complete the first of the five Lessons in this tutorial - Setting Up the Scene.

  4. When you are finished, save as directed, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename: Lastname_My_Virtual_Studio.max.

  5. Zip and turn in your folder (containing the .max file and the three reference files).

Part B - Creating the Boots

  1. Open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial.

  2. Continue from your Virtial_Studio file and follow the directions for creating the boots.

  3. When you are finished, save as directed, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename: Lastname_My_Soldier_Boots.max.

  4. Turn in your file to your Student Common Drive Turn-in folder.

Part C - Creating the Pants

  1. Open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial.

  2. Continue from your My_Soldier_Boots file and follow the directions for creating the pants.

  3. When you are finished, save as directed, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename: Lastname_My_Soldier_Pants.max.

  4. Turn in your file to your Student Common Drive Turn-in folder.

Part D - Creating the Torso

  1. Open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial.

  2. Continue from your My_Soldier_Pants file and follow the directions for creating the torso.

  3. When you are finished, save as directed, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename: Lastname_My_Soldier_Tshirt.max.

  4. Turn in your file to your Student Common Drive Turn-in folder.

Part E - Creating the Arms

  1. Open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial.

  2. Continue from your My_Soldier_Pants file and follow the directions for creating the arms and hands.

  3. When you are finished, save as directed, adding your lastname at the beginning of the filename: Lastname_My_Soldier_Arms.max.

  4. Turn in your file to your Student Common Drive Turn-in folder.