Intermediate Character Tutorial 3:
Finishing your Character
& Making Final Adjustments

In this Lesson, you will smooth your character body and join it to the head.

Model a Character

  1. Create a new folder for this lesson, naming it Lastname Final Body. Copy into it your completed lowpoly body file, and your completed lowpoly head files.

  2. From the Help menu Tutorials, in the Modeling folder, open the Modeling a Low-Poly Character tutorial, then the final section, Making Final Adjustments. This should be a 20-30 min exercise.

  3. Follow the directions finish your character, using your body and head models.

  4. Save when directed, in your Final Body folder, using the filename Lastname_Soldier_Completed.max.

  5. When you are finished, zip and place a copy of your Final Body folder in the Computer Animations Turn-in folder.
    It should contain all 5 body and 10 head files, as well as the finished soldier file.