Course Description & Syllabus Welcome to Digital Imaging. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop professional level skills in imaging software. The main programs used will be Adobe Illustrator CS5 and Adobe Photo Shop CS5. Students successfully completing this course may be eligible to take the Photo Shop ACA Certification Exam. The basic course materials will be provided online through an interactive only course from Cengage, as well as from my class website www.pangmania.net. Students will be able to work through lessons online, complete online worksheet activities to reinforce concepts and ideas, then complete exercises to practice their skills. At the end of each unit, students will complete a test and/or project that requires all the skills they have learned so far. There will also be a final project at the end of the course. All assignment information may also be found on my website. Though certain assignments will be able to be completed online, most of the required work for this course must be done on the computers IN CLASS. It is therefore expected that students will be present in class and that class time will be used only for work related to the course. A few homework assignments may also be required. Each student is expected to bring his/her Agenda book and a pen or pencil to class every day. All students are also required to use class time productively and to leave the workstation in proper order. A student who is absent from class, or who falls behind for any reason needs to sign up to attend seminar, or plan to use the computer lab after school or at lunch, to make up unfinished work. It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements to make up missing work. Students should be aware that it is very easy to fall behind, especially due to absences, and it is important that they make up missed computer time immediately upon their return. The course sequence is planned as follows: