Digital Imaging
Semester Project Scenario 1 - Vector Landscape Many stunning landscape images have been created using Illustrator and other vector programs. If you choose this project scenario, you will create your own Vector Landscape poster.
Task 1 - Research and Plan your Project
- Visit the following websites to view some pretty spactacular Vector Landscapes.
- Examine more closely a couple of the posters that you like best to observe such things as:
- what tools do you think were used?
- what special effects or techniques can you identify?
- lighting effects - where is the light source? how can you tell?
- Gather ideas you might like to use to create your own poster with meaning.
- Create a folder for your project files:
- Name the folder Lastname Semester Project
- Start a Word document, and save it in your project folder as as Lastname Project Log.doc.
- If you collect any other inspirational materials, or images for tracing, store them here.
- Record your plan for designing your landscape.
- What style would you like?
- What will be the subject - city, country, fantasy?
- What techniques do you plan to use, and for what purposes? (check requirements below)
- Where will the light source be? Use this information to plan appropriate shadows and highlights.
- How did your research influence your plan?
- Save a your Log file, and place a copy in the Turn-in folder. (due 10 Jan)
Task 2 - Create your Landscape
- Set up your file:
- Start a new document, naming it Semester Project
- Choose the Print Profile, Tabloid sized.
- Set the units as you prefer. Select whether you want landscape or portrait orientation.
- Save the file as Lastname Semester
- Create your landscape:
- Draw your artwork.
- Organize your work logically into layers (and groups) to make it easy to turn elements on and off as needed.
- Save often!
- Include at least eight (8) of the following techniques in your illustration:
- Pen / Direct Selection tool manipulation of curves
- Symbols to reuse shapes where appropriate
- Gradients
- Special effects
- Image Trace / Live Paint tools
- Pathfinder tools
- Clipping and/or Opacity Masks
- Mesh gradient effects
- Offset Paths
- Warp Tools
- Blends
- 3D Tools
- Update your Project Log file, discussing the development of your project:
- How did the process of creating your landscape go? Did it turn out as you planned? Why or why not?
- List the techniques you used, and indicate where in your artwork they are evident
- Include information about any files you collected and used for inspiration
- Be sure you account for all the required tools and techniques
- When you are satisfied with your vector landscape project, save:
- a final copy using the same filename.
- a flattened copy with the filename Lastname Final Project
- In the Digital Imaging Turn-in folder, place a copy of your Project Folder, containing the three required files (at a minimim).