Digital Imaging
Semester Project Scenario 2 - Message Poster

Digitally designed posters can deliver powerful messages. This is especially true when there are few words and the image or images deliver the message, making the viewer think about the subject matter and the feelings it evokes. If you choose this project scenario, you will create a image based poster that effectively delivers a message of your choice.

Task 1 - Research and Plan your Project

  1. Visit the following websites to view some pretty spactacular Vector Landscapes.
  2. Examine more closely a couple of the landscapes that you like best to observe such things as:
    • what tools do you think were used?
    • what special effects or techniques can you identify?
    • lighting effects - where is the light source? how can you tell?

  3. Gather ideas you might like to use to create your own meaningful poster.

  4. Create a folder for your project files:
    1. Name the folder Lastname Semester Project
    2. Start a Word document, and save it in your project folder as as Lastname Project Log.doc.
    3. If you collect any other inspirational materials, or images for import or tracing, store them here.

  5. Record your plan for designing your landscape.
    1. What will be the subject - the message you want to convey?
    2. What style would you like?
    3. What techniques do you plan to use, and for what purposes? (check requirements below)
    4. Where will the light source be? Use this information to plan appropriate shadows and highlights.
    5. How did your research influence your plan?
    6. Save a your Log file, and place a copy in the Turn-in folder. (due 10 Jan)

Task 2 - Create your Landscape

  1. Set up your file:
    1. Start a new document, naming it Semester Project
    2. Choose the Print Profile, Tabloid sized.
    3. Set the units as you prefer. Select whether you want landscape or portrait orientation.
    4. Save the file as Lastname Semester

  2. Create your message poster:
    1. Draw your artwork.
    2. Organize your work logically into layers (and groups) to make it easy to turn elements on and off as needed.
    3. Save often!
    4. Include at least eight (8) of the following techniques in your illustration:
      • Pen / Direct Selection tool manipulation of curves
      • Symbols to reuse shapes where appropriate
      • Gradients
      • Special effects
      • Image Trace / Live Paint tools
      • Pathfinder tools
      • Clipping and/or Opacity Masks
      • Mesh gradient effects
      • Offset Paths
      • Warp Tools
      • Blends
      • 3D Tools

    5. Update your Project Log file, discussing the development of your project:
      • How did the process of creating your poster go? Did it turn out as you planned? Why or why not?
      • List the techniques you used, and indicate where in your artwork they are evident
      • Include information about any files you collected and used for inspiration
      • Be sure you account for all the required tools and techniques

  3. When you are satisfied with your message poster project, save:
    1. a final copy using the same filename.
    2. a flattened copy with the filename Lastname Final Project
    3. In the Digital Imaging Turn-in folder, place a copy of your Project Folder, containing the three required files (at a minimim).