media picCourse Description & Syllabus

     Welcome to Digital Media Creation.  Digital Media Creation (DMC) provides students with the opportunity to develop professional-level skills in multimedia using Adobe Flash CS5. This product-oriented course introduces the student to interactive multimedia presentations. Hands-on activities are used as students develop skills, master techniques, and prepare products for a client-based environment. Students learn to create professional digital media creations using animation, sound, and videos. The individual workstations are Pentium computers as part of a Local Area Network (LAN), so students will be users in a network environment. 

The basic course materials will be provided through an online Cengage interactive environment.  Students will work through lessons online, complete online worksheet activities to reinforce concepts and ideas, then complete teacher-provided exercises to practice their skills.  At the end of each Cengage level, students will complete a project that requires all the skills they have learned so far.  There may also be a final project at the end of the course.  Assignment information may also be found on my website, the

      It is important that students are present in class and class time will be used only for work related to the course.  Each student is expected to bring his/her Agenda book and a pen or pencil, as well as any other needed materials, to class every day.  All students are also required to use class time productively and to leave the workstation in proper order.  A student who is absent from class or falls behind for any reason needs to use seminar, and/or make an appointment to use the computer lab after school or at lunch, to make up work.  It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements to make up work missed.  Students should be aware that it is very easy to fall behind due to absences and it is important that they make up missed computer time immediately upon their return.

The course sequence is planned as follows:

1st (3rd) Quarter

Getting Started with Flash CS5
     The Workspace
     Playing Movies
     Planning Projects

Drawing Objects in Flash
     Vector Drawing Tools
     Advanced Tools and Paths
     Fill, Edge and Special Effects
     Object Drawing Models

Working with Symbols and Interactivity
     Symbols and Instances
     Actions in Frames
     Importing Graphics

Creating Animations
     Motion Tweens
     Classic Tweens
     Frame-by-Frame Animations
     Shape Tweens
     Movie Clips
     Animated Text

Creating Special Effects
     Adding Sound and Video
     Animated Navigation
     Character Animation
     3D Effects

Preparing and Publishing Movies
     Optimizing and Publish Settings
     Create a Preloader
     Applications for Mobile Devices

2nd (4th) Quarter

Importing and Modifying Graphics
     About Graphics
     Break Apart Bitmaps / Bitmap Fills
     Trace Bitmaps

Building Complex Animations
     Animated Graphic Symbols
     Work with Movie Clips
     Motion Editor

Intro to Action Script 3.0
     Work with Movie Clips
     Code Snippets

Using Action Script to Enhance
     Complex Interactivity
     Conditional Actions
     External Links

Adding Sound and Video
     Sound and Synchronozation Options
     Modify Sounds
     Work with Video

Work with Components (optional)

ACA Certification Prep and Test (optional)