PowerPoint 2007 Design Lessons

This lesson set can be completed outside of school, as it is mostly reseach based.
Design Lesson files
  1. Create a new folder named Lastname Design.

  2. Right-click the file link at the right and extract the presentations into your Design folder, adding your lastname at the beginning of each filename.
    If you just open, instead of saving, you will not be able to enter information or save it.

  3. Open the first file and follow the instructions to conduct your research about Design Elements & Principles.
    Save the file when you are finished.

    1. You will visit websites for the information you need, enter your answers on the slides, and create/ find examples to illustrate the elements and principles.

    2. DO NOT copy and paste text/descriptions/explanations from the internet! Type what you understand about them in your own words.

  4. In the same manner, open the second file and follow the instructions to conduct your research about Color Theory and Using Color, saving when you are finished.

  5. Finally, open the third file and follow the instructions to conduct your research about Designing in Presentations, saving when you are finished.

Drop a copy of your Design folder in the Presentations dropbox.