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Introduction to CengageBrain
and CourseMate

  1. Launch your Browser and go to the URL:

    1. Click the New Student User link.

    2. For your Illustrator CS5 Revealed CourseMate account, enter the following Access Code:

    3. On the next page, complete the information requested on the form.
      1. Use a valid email address and choose a password (note the requirements).

      2. Be sure to select a Security question and answer that you will remember for in case you forget your password. This is YOUR account, and I cannot retreive your password.

      3. Leave the age verification checked. You can click off the check box about receiving discounts and promotions.

    4. Read through the Terms and Conditions and click I Agree, then click Continue.

  2. The course should appear.  Click on Open

    1. Now click Enter Your Course Key and enter CM-9781111643652-0000073
      (The hyphens must be included in the Course Key number.)

    2. You should now have access to the eBook and CourseMate.

    3. Click on the link Media Arts & Design CourseMate for Bishop's Dreamweaver CS5 Revealed

  3. Now you can begin the Chapter 1 Assigments.