Styling Images
CSS can affect relative minor aspects of an image's display, but that doesn't mean it can't control anything interesting. We can affect its display dimensions, the border around an image, as well as its alignment, and whether text will wrap around it.
Image Dimensions
As you have previously learned, it is always a good idea to size your images to the size you need for your web pages. However, occasionally you find you need to reduce the change the size of an image only slightly. In this case, you can use CSS properties to designate a size.
As in setting the size of cells and tables, you use the width and height properties to specify the display dimensions of an image. You should still always adjust image dimensions proportionally, changing both the height and width by the same percentage of the original size. Values for height and width of images are expressed either in absolute units (px, in) or relative units (usually % of the original image size).
Image Borders
Images do not by default have border around them. If you would like a picture to have a border to frame it, you use the border property to designate the size, style and/or color you want. You can also use the individual properties to specify different borders for different sides of the image, but is not usually done. The values for the style, width and color of borders on an image are the same as are used for boxes.
When an image is used as a link, a default border is automatically applied,
as underlining is applied by default to text links. If you want to remove
this border on image links, use the declaration: border:
0; or border: none;
Horizontal image alignments and text wrapping
float Property
This property caused the element, in this case and image, to float against
the right or left margin of its parent element. The content of parent
element automatically wraps around the image. The float
property can also be used with other elements, as will be discussed in
the next lesson. The two values for the float property are left and right.
clear Property
If you do not want other content to wrap around and image or any floated
object, you use the clear property. Applying
the clear property to the element that you do not want to wrap will
make the content appear below the object that needs to remain clear.
Possible values are left, right and both.
Vertical Image Alignment
Sometimes you have a small text element that you want to place beside
an image, perhaps as a description or link text. When you want to control
the placement of this small text element in respect to the image, the
float property will not do. In this case you use the vertical-align property.
The values possible are applied as described below:
- top - aligns baseline of the text with the top of the image
- text-top - aligns the top of the text with the top of the image
- middle - aligns the text halfway down the image - at its middle point
- bottom - aligns the text at the bottom of the image
- text-bottom - aligns the bottom of the text with the bottom of the
- baseline - aligns the baseline of the text with the bottom of the
- percentage - begins the text a specified percentage of the way down
the image
Image Spacing
When an image has text content wrapped around it, the text is places
hard against the edge of the image. This usually results in a crowded
feel on the page. To add some negative space between an image wrapped
content, you can use either the padding properties
or the margin properties.
In some browsers padding and spacing work differently when used with
pictures, or padding may not work at all. Because of this, it may be
safest to just use the margin properties for spacing around imges. Space
may be added around the entire image, or only on the side(s) where it
is needed.
An image functions automatically as a box object, so any of the box
properties may be applied to an image. You could add padding, border
and margin, or any combination of these to create the effect you want.
Padding may not appear between the image and the border, however,
depending on the browser you are using.
Below is a reference for all image properties, showing the possible values.
Property |
What it does |
Possible values |
width |
Set an image’s width |
by length | by percentage | auto |
height |
Set an image’s width |
by length | by percentage | auto |
float |
Positions an element with text wrapping |
none | right | left |
clear |
Positions an element without text wrapping,
prevents an image
from floating on top of another element |
none | both | right | left |
vertical-align |
Controls the vertical positioning of an element, with respect to
an image |
top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | baseline | sub|
super | (percentage) |
border |
All border properties apply as described in the section
on the box model |
padding |
All border properties apply as described in the section
on the box model |
margins |
All border properties apply as described in the section
on the box model |