Grading Policy
- All work is due as indicated on the calendar and/or Lesson Assignment page. Athletic and Extracurricular grade monitoring will be drawn from the calendar due dates. Missing work will be counted as zero until it is turned in.
- Missing work may be turned in for credit after the due date for full credit based on the calendar listing (exception for end of unit/level as stated below). After this extra time, zeros for the missing work will become permanent.
- All work for a particular unit/level, must be turned in no later than one class day after the last day scheduled for the unit. No exceptions to this deadline policy will be made without prior arrangement with Ms. Pangman.
Grades will be based on the following areas:
For each Chapter:
Lesson Workbook Activities – Lessons are designed to teach the vocabulary, concepts and skills of a unit. The work book correlates directly with the textbook content. These are assigned to be completed as homework BEFORE the content is presented in class. Points will be awarded for completion, not correctness, as it is a formative assessment to determine what needs to be addressed in class. Point counts depend on the number of sections included. These may be made up, but will only receive full credit on day they are due. In the case of excused absences, all due activities, including the current day's will be check and counted.
Practice Worksheets – These assignments are to be completed in class on the day the lesson content is presented. They should be completed, or mostly completed in class. Worksheets are not usually intended as additional homework - the next lesson or pre-assessment is the intended homework. Each is worth 10-20 points.
Quia PreQuizzes, QuiaPreTests, Review Worksheets/Problems – Before each quiz or test, practice activities will be assigned to help the students prepare for the assessments. Before each 25 point Quiz, there is a 10 point PreQuiz, with the expectation that a student will score at least 80% on the PreQuiz before attempting the Quiz. Also, before each Chapter Test, a PreTest and a Review Worksheet will be assigned. Each PreQuiz is 10 points, the PreTest is 30 points, and the Review Sheet is 15-20 points.
Quizzes, Tests – There will be two to three Quizzes and a Chapter Test for each textbook chapter. To prepare for a quiz, an online prequiz will be assigned, and can be taken as many times as desired to obtain the 80% required score. Chapter Tests will be in two parts: Part 1 is multiple-choice questions, like the pretest. Part 2 is a written test, similar to the Review Worksheet. Point counts can vay depending on the length of the chapter.
- Grades will be calculated by dividing the number of points earned by the total points possible. For example, if a student earns 18 points of a possible 20 points, the grade would be 18/20 or 90%. Adding up individual grades, a student who earns a total of 398 points out of a possible 450 would earn a grade of 396/450, or 88%, a B+.
- In order to complete the required work in the time allotted, it is recommended that students stay “on schedule”. Seminar time, as well as lab time after school may be necessary to complete work, especially if a student is absent.
- Students and parents may access online an assignment calendar, including recommended due dates for assignments, final due dates for each section, as well as links to assignments showing complete assignment activities and expectations.
- Most all assignments are available online, andy many shoudl be completed on a properly equipped computer outside of school. Use of the internet would be required.
Approximate % Composition of Grades:
Semester Grade:
Lesson Workbook
Practice Worksheets
35-40% |
1st (3rd) Quarter
2nd (4th) Quarter
Semester Exam
40 %
40 %
10% |