to do before class:
Lesson 7-7,
Lesson 7-8:
Lesson 7-7 Surface Area of Prisms & Cylinders
Four (4) example sets - answer each Check your Progress question
CheckYour Understanding, p. 389 - complete on paper, and have ready to check in class
Lesson 7-8: Reflections
Two (2) example sets - answer each Check your Progress question
CheckYour Understanding, p. 395- complete on paper, and have ready to check in class
10 points total
to do before class:
Lesson 7-9: |
Lesson 7-9: Surface Area of Pyramids
Three (3) example sets - answer each Check your Progress question
CheckYour Understanding, p. 402 - complete on paper, and have ready to check in class |
5 points total |
Part 2 Assessments
to complete
before Quiz day |
End-Chap Review:
pp. 408 sections 7-7 to 7-9
Pre-Quiz 7.2 - on
(score 80% to move on
to Quiz 7-2 on Quiz day, otherwise you must take the Quiz on Test day) |
6 points
10 points