Project 1 - Create an Environment
Project Plan

Your task is to create fairly detailed indoor or outdoor environment for a character to move around in and interact with.

You will:

  • Model all the individual objects needed in your scene, and arrange them as realistically as possible.
  • Model at least one object using three background images (like you did the plane)
  • Animate at least one object in the environment
  • Create a camera animation to walk-through and/or display the entire scene.

It would be a good idea to read through the project requirements before completing your plan.

Document what you want to do:

  1. Project Plan.docxEstablish your Project Plan Document:
    1. Create a new folder in your home directory, named Lastname My Environment.
      All your files, including materials and renders go into this folder for turn-in.
    2. Open the Word document from the link at the right.
    3. Save the document into your Project folder adding your last name to the beginning of the filename.

  2. Describe your environment, its placement and purpose. Use the space provided in your Plan Document.

  3. In the table provided, list each individual object your plan will need.
    For each object include the following information:
    (Don't forget objects for such needs as ground and 'air' surfaces, or scenes outside widows)
    • Object - Name the object
    • Purpose - Describe what purpose the object will serve in the scene
    • Creation plan - Describe how they will look and in general what tools/techniques you plan to use to create them (primitives, splines, mesh, modifiers, etc.)
    • Materials needed - Discuss where and how you plan to use materials (attributes, colors, bitmaps, etc.) Think ahead about acquiring legal images (no pirating of art)
    • Lighting? - Describe any lighting that may be needed for this object
    • Animation? - Describe how you will animate theobject, if needed

  4. Use the space provided to describe how you will create appropriate lighting for your scene.
    Include appropriate overall lighting for the time of day, as well as any special lighting from lamps, or to make shadows, etc.

  5. In the space provided, describe what you plan to show on your camera animation. Plan the path you may follow and what the viewe will see.

  6. Discuss your plans with Ms. Pangman any questions you have about your project.
  7. Save your document.

Place a copy of your Project Plan file in the Computer Animation Turn-in folder.