Illustrator CS5 Revealed - eBook
Chapter 9: Creating and Designing Graphs

All assignments on this page are due on 3 Dec and may not be accepted for full credit past 5 Dec.



Chapter 9 Lessons

Download Student Files

Work thru Lessons 1-8 of Chapter 9:

  1. Create a Graph
  2. Edit a Graph using the Graph Data Window
  3. Use the Group Selection Tool
  4. Use the Glypgh Type Dialog Box
  5. Create a Combination Graph
  6. Create a Custom Graph Design
  7. Apply a Custon Design to a Graph
  8. Create and apply a Sliding-Scale Design


Turn in the following 2 files:




30 points
(15 ea)



Chapter 9 Review

Complete the Chapter Review Exercises #1-3:

Skills Review

Project Builder 1
Project Builder 2

Design Project

Turn in the following 5 files:

LN Nice
LN Flower

LN Electrical

LN Designer

20 points

15 points
15 points

20 points



Chapter 9 Assessments

Complete as Homework!

Complete Quia Vocab Quiz 9

Complete Quia Review Worksheet 9

11 points

17 points

To complete your Reflection Question:

Login to your Dodea Google email account
Copy and paste the questions below into a new email message.
Add the subject line Illustrator RQ 9

Answer each question fully using the SWAG writing model,
as directed in the RQ guidelines & Rubric page

Send the email to

Think of a design for a graph, using an image for the data series. What you would use as the image? Explain two different ways you could use the image to illustrate your data.





15 points

Digital Imaging Competencies: 015, 017

PTS Interactive Media Pathway Standards: PT-ITM5b.4, 5b.5, 5b.6; PT-ITM5c.1