Illustrator CS5 Revealed - eBook
Chapter 9: Creating and Designing Graphs
All assignments on this page are due on 3 Dec and may not be accepted for full credit past 5 Dec.
Chapter 9 Lessons
Download Student Files
Work thru Lessons 1-8 of Chapter 9:
- Create a Graph
- Edit a Graph using the Graph Data Window
- Use the Group Selection Tool
- Use the Glypgh Type Dialog Box
- Create a Combination Graph
- Create a Custom Graph Design
- Apply a Custon Design to a Graph
- Create and apply a Sliding-Scale Design
Turn in the following 2 files:
30 points
Chapter 9 Review
Complete the
Chapter Review Exercises #1-3:
Skills Review
Project Builder 1
Project Builder 2
Design Project
Turn in the following 5 files:
LN Nice
LN Flower
LN Electrical
LN Designer
20 points
15 points
15 points
20 points
Chapter 9 Assessments
Complete as Homework!
Complete Quia Vocab Quiz 9
Complete Quia Review Worksheet 9
11 points
17 points |
To complete your Reflection Question:
Login to your Dodea Google email account
Copy and paste the questions below into a new email message.
Add the subject line Illustrator RQ 9
Answer each question fully using the SWAG writing model,
as directed in the RQ guidelines & Rubric page
Send the email to
Think of a design for a graph, using an image for the data series. What you would use as the image? Explain two different ways you could use the image to illustrate your data.
15 points