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Lesson 5: CSS Styling

All assignments on this page are due on Oct 19, and will not be accepted for full credit past Oct 25.

Lesson 5

Complete the following CSS Lesson Tutorials at W3Schools.
Be sure to use the 'Try It Yourself' links:

CSS Styling:

Styling Backgrounds
Styling Text
Styling Fonts
Styling Links
Styling Lists

Styling Tables

Lesson 5

Lesson Practice 5-1: Text, Font & List Styling

Lesson Practice 5-2: Links Styling

Lesson Practice 5-3: Tables & Background Styling

80 points
Worksheet 5:

Complete Review WS 5

52 points
Questions 5:

Copy and paste the questions into a new email message.
Answer each question fully as directed in the RQ guidelines & Rubric page
Add the subject line RQs 5
Send the email to

  1. How do you anticipate using font styles in your webpages?
  2. How do you anticipate using text styling in your webpages?
  3. How do you anticipate styling tables?
  4. How do you anticipate using color to style your webpages?
20 points