Word 2007 - Project 2

Create a new folder named Lastname Project 2. Place all assets and completed work into this folder


  1. Project 2-1.pdfPart 1 - Trip Schedule:
    1. Click the link at the right to open the instructions for this activity.
    2. Follow the instructions, saving where directed, adding your last name at the beginning of the filename.
    3. Turn in the finished document file, as well as the handouts printout.

  2. Image FilesProject 2-2.pdfPart 2 - Newsletter
    1. Click the link at the right to open the instructions for this activity.
    2. Follow the instructions, saving where directed, adding your last name at the beginning of the filename.
    3. Turn in the finished presentation file, as well as the presentation printout.

  3. Part 3 - Business Cards
    1. Project 2-3.pdfClick the link at the right to open the instructions for this activity.
    2. Follow the instructions, saving where directed, adding your last name at the beginning of the filename.
    3. Turn in the finished presentation file, as well as the handouts printout.

  4. Part 4 - Brochure
    1. Project 2-4.pdfClick the link at the right to open the instructions for this activity.
    2. Follow the instructions, saving where directed, adding your last name at the beginning of the filename.
    3. Turn in the finished presentation file, as well as the handouts printout.

  5. Part 5 - Proposal Document
    1. Project 2-5.pdfClick the link at the right to open the instructions for this activity.
    2. Follow the instructions, saving where directed, adding your last name at the beginning of the filename.
    3. Turn in the finished presentation file, as well as the handouts printout.

Place a copy of your Project2 folder in the Word Turn-in folder on the common drive.